Special Observers Protect Minors' Rights

 June 5, 2023


To establish a high-quality minors' protection system that involves all segments of society, the "first button" work station was recently unveiled at the People's Procuratorate of Tianchang (a city in East China's Anhui Province). A total of 205 people, from 16 towns in the city, were appointed as the first group of minors' protection observers.

Yu Ting, a representative of the observers and president of Guanghua Village Women's Federation, said she will leverage her advantages as head of a grassroots women's federation, and she will fulfill her duty of protecting minors. The procuratorate and the women's federation will make efforts, together, through the work station to provide legal education, psychological guidance and assistance to minors.


(Women of China English Monthly May 2023 issue)

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