Media Briefing Showcases Achievements in Protection of Mudanjiang Women's Rights

 June 1, 2023


The Intermediate People's Court of Mudanjiang (a city in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province) and the Mudanjiang Women's Federation recently held a news briefing on the efforts and achievements made in the protection of women's rights and interests during the past year. The federation explained how it had taken several measures to protect women and children's legal rights and interests, and how it had achieved positive results in solving marriage and family disputes. The court released three typical cases involving women's rights and interests. 

In recent years, the court and the federation have strengthened cooperation, and they have explored innovative ways to protect women and children's rights. A team of women lecturers –– composed of 35 members, including judges, prosecutors, police officers and lawyers –– has popularized laws in communities and villages to help women raise awareness of self-protection. Marriage dispute mediation offices were established at courts, and civil affairs departments, to offer legal counselling to women.

The courts have opened a "green channel," for the fast handling of lawsuits that involve gross violation of women's rights and interests. In 2022, the courts in Mudanjiang heard 2,073 cases involving women's rights in marriage, child raising and inheritance. Of those cases, 1,444 were concluded in mediation, or with the result that the accusers withdrew their suits.


(Women of China English Monthly May 2023 issue)

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