Activities Help Raise Minors' Legal Awareness

 May 30, 2023


The People's Procuratorate of Yungang (a district in Datong, in North China's Shanxi Province) held an activity on March 31, at the district's family education guidance station, to help raise students' awareness of abiding by the laws. Established in May 2022, the station provides all-round family education guidance services to minors and their families, especially those involved in lawsuits.

During the activity, students watched a video, about the revised Law on the Protection of Minors, and listened to case analyses. A procurator explained the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. 

After the activity, the public security bureau and the women's federation of Yungang organized a public lecture, on drug-control information, at the family education guidance station. Students learned about the types and harms of drugs, and they learned how to keep away from drugs.


(Women of China English Monthly May 2023 issue)

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