Training Promotes Federations' Rights-Protection Work

 May 30, 2023


Sichuan (in Southwest China) Women's Federation recently held a training course, to promote the work of women's federations, at all levels in the province, on the protection of women's legal rights and interests. About 300 people, including presidents of municipal- and county-level women's federations, heads of the federations' legal departments, and officials from county-level Party committees and governments, attended. 

During the training, the legal department of Sichuan Women's Federation stressed the key tasks for women's federations to protect women's rights in 2023. Attendees from Chengdu, Zigong, Deyang, Nanchong and Yibin shared highlights of their work and their work plans for the rest of the year. 

Zhang Xiaoyuan, an associate professor with Sichuan University Law School, gave a lecture to help trainees improve their understanding of laws relevant to women's rights protection. He also explained, from various perspectives, the significance and main contents of the revised Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women, which took effect on January 1, 2023.


(Women of China English Monthly May 2023 issue)

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