Federation Improves Women's Rights-Protection Hotline

 November 2, 2023


The Women's Federation of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in recent years has put much effort into improving the women's rights protection hotline, 12338, through which women can seek legal assistance in protecting their and/or their children's rights and interests. The federation has also provided, both online and offline, various services, to help women and children protect their legal rights and interests. 

During the past several years, the federation has made continuous efforts to improve its work systems and mechanisms to better protect women and children's rights and interests. 

So far, all of Ningxia's cities, counties and districts have established the rights-protection hotline, to provide legal aid and psychological counseling to women. 

In addition to workers with women's federations, at all levels across Ningxia, the Women's Federation of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has invited lawyers, psychologists and marriage and family counselors, to work as operators (of the hotline), who deal with calls from women, to help them improve family education, resolve family disputes, and/or offer legal and/or psychological counseling to them. 

The operators have tried their best to protect women and children's rights and interests, as they have handled women's calls through the hotline. They have offered advice and explained laws and regulations to women, to help them better protect their and/or their children's rights and interests. 

The Women's Federation of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has conducted various activities to help women and children solve difficulties (in their lives), which the operators have learned through the hotline.


(Women of China English Monthly October 2023 issue)

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