Wenzhou Organizes Family Related Activity

 December 20, 2023

Ouhai (a district in Wenzhou, a city in East China's Zhejiang Province) recently organized an activity to announce the establishment of a family related brand, dedicated to helping foster family ethics, promoting family harmony and good family education, and providing services to families. 

During the activity, organizers publicized information about the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Law Against Domestic Violence, the Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women, the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, and various other laws and regulations. 

Ouhai has more than 3,000 women volunteers, from all walks of life, who are devoted to helping build a peaceful district, mediating and resolving disputes, participating in emergency relief, caring for people in need, and advocating civilized behaviors. They have contributed their strength to social governance at the primary level. Representatives of women volunteers shared their stories during the activity. 

Sketches were performed, to publicize the women's rights-protection hotline, 12338. The sketches called on the audience to dial the number, 12338, when they want to inquire about marriage, family and education, or when their legal rights are harmed.


(Women of China English Monthly December 2023 issue)

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