Federations Help Women Protect Rights Through Hotline

 September 17, 2023

Women's federations of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan (all cities in Central China's Hunan Province) on July 31 launched the kickoff ceremony of the week of popularizing information about women's rights protection hotline, 0731-12338, among residents of the cities. Women can use the hotline to seek legal assistance in protecting their rights and interests. The event was held in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province. Women representatives, from the three cities, discussed ways to strengthen women's rights-protection work. 

Shortly after the ceremony, Changsha Women's Federation invited several women netizens (in Changsha) to promote, online, the various services (provided by the hotline), including offering legal aid and psychological counseling to women. In addition to placing publicity posters (in the cities' public places), the federation publicized information about the hotline on social media.


(Women of China English Monthly September 2023 issue)

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