CCTF Holds Jumble Sale in Beijing for Spring Bud Project

 September 12, 2024

A jumble sale of books, toys and other pre-loved items was held by the China Children and Teenagers' Fund (CCTF) and the China National Children's Center (CNCC) in Beijing on September 7 to raise donations for the Spring Bud Project.

The event aimed to help the public learn more about and pay attention to the public welfare project and channel all relevant earnings into financial support for the Spring Bud girls in the completion of their academic studies. It drew the attendance of students from local primary and middle schools.

During the gathering, many children brought with them illustrated books, toys, handmade products and learning materials and they took much effort to decorate their booths.

"Our parents have helped us prepare for the jumble sale with various kinds of goods to convey our love toward children living in difficulties," said an eight-year-old twin.

"We hope that through this activity, children can establish the concept of contributing love to society from an early age. No matter what their age, what their occupation, people can always do the best to contribute to society," said the twins' mother.

A primary school student introduced that she gained a great sense of fulfillment after she sold her paintings during the event, hoping to do something for the Spring Bud girls.

Another pupil said that she had a basic understanding of the Spring Bud Project and that she would introduce the project to more people around her and get them involved in the further implementation of the initiative.

Meanwhile, some students exhibited their artistic talent to attract passers-by.

A mother said that the event had helped children better cherish their life, appreciate the happiness of helping the others, and nurture their sense of social responsibility.

With the participation of 100 families, the jumble sale event consisted of several special zones featuring children's artistic performance, emergency safety education and sports activities.

The Spring Bud Project was launched by the CCTF under the leadership of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) in 1989 to improve the education of girls from disadvantaged families. For more than three decades, it has conducted various activities, focused on girls' education, safety and health, to support and care for girls. The project has raised 3.2 billion yuan (US $450.9 million) and supported 4.22 million Spring Bud girls.


(Source: CCTF/Women of China)

Editor: Wang Shasha


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