Shanghai Women's Federation Raises Legal Awareness; Helps Protect Women's Rights, Interests

 November 25, 2024

"It is unbelievable illiterate grannies, like me, can still figure out key points of laws on the protection of women's lawful rights and interests, just by watching thematic photos and short videos," an elderly woman, from Hangtou, a town in Pudong New Area, in East China's Shanghai Municipality, said recently.

During the past year, Shanghai Women's Federation implemented several measures, to provide concise legal courses and law-publicity lectures and cultural activities at people's doorsteps, in nine of the city's districts, to build a strong defense line for women and children, and to make legal information and services widely accessible.

To help people improve their legal awareness, the federation produced a 15-episode course, which focused on the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Code, the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women, the Law on Family Education Promotion, and the Anti-Domestic Violence Law. In addition, the federation conducted several law-publicity lectures, and it provided legal counseling in 50 villages, in nine of the city's districts. The federation also invited lawyers to discuss common legal problems arising from the care of elderly women, and to help women plan for their lives as seniors.

To date, 3,185 law-publicity lectures, 6,928 legal-counseling activities, and 1,039 role-model lectures in rural areas, have been held in Shanghai. Combined, the activities have involved more than 120,000 people. Women's federations, at various levels across Shanghai, have distributed more than 250,000 brochures, which contained information involving the protection of women's rights and interests.

In addition to helping people raise their legal awareness, the federation adopted several measures to protect women's rights and interests. It pooled the various strengths of staff and executive committee members from grassroots women's federations, and women volunteers to identify and address major family disputes, and hidden risks, in a timely, effective manner.

Community-level service stations tasked with protecting women's rights and interests were set up in Shanghai by local women's federations. The service stations, combined, have provided 534 right-and-interest protection services to 654 women. They have taken concrete efforts to meet women's demands, resolve marriage and family disputes, and build a strong defense line, to ensure social harmony and stability.


(Source: China Women's News/Translated by Women of China)

Editor: Cui Rui

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