Chinese Women Role Models Honored Ahead of International Women's Day

 March 7, 2024
Chinese Women Role Models Honored Ahead of International Women's Day
The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) holds a meeting to mark International Women's Day and honor China's women role models in Beijing, capital of China, March 3, 2024. Chinese State Councilor and President of the ACWF Shen Yiqin attended the event and delivered remarks. [Xinhua/Zhang Yuwei]


BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhua) — The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) held a meeting on Sunday to mark International Women's Day, which falls on March 8, and honored China's women role models.

A total of 310 individuals and 200 groups were awarded at the event.

Chinese State Councilor and President of the ACWF Shen Yiqin attended the event and delivered remarks. She extended festive greetings to all Chinese women and congratulated the awardees.

Speaking at the event, she called on all women to embrace self-respect, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-empowerment, and strive for fulfilling lives. She also encouraged women to contribute their wisdom and strength to the cause of building China into a stronger country and national rejuvenation through concrete actions and accomplishments. 


(Source: Xinhua)


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