Women's Federation in Tianjin Organizes Painting Psychotherapy Class for Frontline Medical Workers


The Women's Federation of Hongqiao District, in North China's Tianjin Municipality, recently organized a psychological healing activity for women medical staff who are working on the front line of the fight against novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

It is the first class of the mental care service project launched by the district's women's federation for frontline medical staff.

The 18 female participants from the Hongqiao Hospital sat together, being asked to draw pictures and voice their feelings during the activity.

Some participants said at the event: "After the epidemic, I really want to get a good sleep." "I look forward to the final victory following all the difficulties ..." 

An official of the women's federation explained that painting psychotherapy is a simple and effective non-verbal communication therapy. Through the creative process and the analysis of the paintings, participants are able to learn about their inner feelings and emotions, and relieve the negative mood under the guidance of the therapist.

After the painting class, a doctor shared her feelings with the therapist, "I didn't expect painting to be so magical. I realized that I had always ignored my own feelings and emotions."


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)