ACWF Announces Role Models of Women Volunteer Services

 April 29, 2024

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) recently unveiled winners of the Third National Women Volunteer Services Microfilm Contest, and the results of the Sixth National Women Volunteer Services Collection and Exhibition Event. 

There were 141 entrants in the microfilm contest. Ten entries — including "The Lecture," recommended by Fujian Province, and "The Warm Breeze," recommended by Jiangxi Province — were selected as the top-10 films. 

The award-winning microfilms detailed the inspiring stories of grassroots women volunteers, and the films showcased the innovative features of services provided by women volunteers. The films also embodied the spirit of women volunteers.

The ACWF announced the inspiring individuals and the outstanding organizations, projects and communities, nationwide, selected during the Sixth National Women Volunteer Services Collection and Exhibition Event. Those named are representatives of women who have engaged in volunteer services, and who have striven for higher performances on the new journey in the new era. 

During the past year, ACWF named 515 civilized service stations of women volunteers nationwide, and ACWF encouraged women volunteers to conduct services for emergencies and science-popularization services. 

During the remainder of this year, women volunteers, nationwide, will continue providing regular services at the grassroots level.


(Women of China English Monthly April 2024)

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