Quality Domestic Services Available in 185 Communities in Tianjin

 November 28, 2024

Tianjin Women's Federation has promoted the integration of domestic services and community-level women's work. The federation has guided women's federations, at all levels, in Tianjin in providing Jin Sisters branded domestic services, with varying features, in 185 communities. Seventeen district-level, domestic-service stations are operated in Tianjin.

Tianjin Women's Federation cooperated with Tianjin's municipal bureaus of commerce and human resources and social security to organize a livestreamed fair, which offered domestic-service jobs to women, on March 8. It has also hosted some 500 domestic-service-skills training sessions, and the training has benefited more than 20,000 people.


Photo from VCG

(Women of China English Monthly November 2024)

Editor: Wang Shasha

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